I am changing the way I do these blogs…. for the better!

I send out a weekly email detailing my latest Yin Yoga class and thats all……. BUT I suddenly remembered recently why I started doing this.

I wanted to connect with you.

I wanted to share our journey, share what I know, make you laugh, make you think, point you to amazing teachers and practices and generally make life a little bit easier for you….. and a little bit more sparkly 😉

So here I am! Once a week Im going to send you a email with something add some pizzazz! ✨

A quote, an affirmation, a practice, a challenge, a good book/video/teacher or a lesson to ponder on for the week

Lets start simple this week with quote from Lao Tzu (the father of Chinese Toaism)….

Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions;
watch your actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become your character;
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

Read that a few times….. write it on a post it note and stick it somewhere you’ll see it and I will be back here next Monday with something to ease you into the week  🤩

P.S I hope today wasn’t like this 👇