

How To Have A Better Week

G'day lovelies! How's your week started? I must admit mines started a bit slowly! I didn't make good decisions over the weekend in terms of what I ate and how much rest I got and boy am I feeling it t ...

How NOT to burnout!

Recently I burnt the hell out! It had been coming for a long time, over years infact. Something was off. I was resentful of giving to others, I lost interest in things I love, I didn't want to make co ...

How To Harness The Power of Your Mind

Everything is made up of atoms and quantum physics teaches us that as you go deeper and deeper into the inner workings of those atoms, there is nothing there – just energy waves. Put simply everything ...

Less Effort, More Gain With Yin Yoga

Theres Another Way There is more to yoga than physical postures. In fact the physical practice is a tiny part of what its all about! Yoga no matter what style or form it takes has the capability to ta ...

21 Day Yin Yoga Challenge

Take the 21 day yin yoga challenge. 21 days of free guided yoga videos and instructions.