Everything is made up of atoms and quantum physics teaches us that as you go deeper and deeper into the inner workings of those atoms, there is nothing there – just energy waves. Put simply everything (when you boil down to it) is just energy. Matter in all its different forms is just an arrangement or expression of energy. We need to understand that just like sound is energy or a vibration and so are thoughts and feelings and even our bodies!

We imagine that we are solid objects living in a world of other solid objects but this is not the full picture. In reality we are a vibration, a wave or configuration of energy in this moment.

If you don’t believe me than take Albert Einstein’s word for it. He said that “Everything in Life is Vibration.” And Nikola Tesla  said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Like Attracts Like

Our world is governed by laws, one of which is – LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. As we are vibrational beings, every cell, every thought and every feeling has a specific vibration that at any given moment has a magnetic pull to it. As you move through your day your thoughts and feelings are constantly fluctuating and attracting like to them.

What you think and feel now is creating your next moments. For example if you are residing in a state of fear and thinking fearful thoughts you will attract circumstances that match that feeling. The vibration of hopelessness will attract more reasons to feel hopeless. The vibration of gratitude or peace will attract more peaceful situations to you.

The Law of Attracting

It has long been a popular teaching in spiritual and self help communities that we have power over what we attract to us in terms of success, love, money etc by learning to master our vibrational state. We do that by finding more positive thoughts and therefore feelings.

The teacher Abraham Hicks and the book The Secret took the world by storm back in 2006. The book has sold 30 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 50 languages. More and more people are waking up to the power of their thinking everyday. The Buddha said “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”

Why You’re Next Though is So Powerful

The majority of focus has gone towards attracting abundance and the achievement of dreams. Today I would like to bring your attention to perhaps the most important aspect of this that we need to understand. In any given moment the thought we are thinking is attracting to us our next thought. If you are thinking a fearful thought, the next thought attracted to you is another fearful one. This gives your thinking and mind energy a momentum.

This explains why you can wake up in a good mood, experience something scary or frustrating and from that moment on your mood doesn’t just stay the same or bounce back up again. Instead your mood (and thinking) spirals down and down. Until something external happens to interrupt the momentum and causes you start to focus positively so that the the momentum swings in the opposite direction.

A thought is only a thought and can be changed. You have total power and choice over the stories you tell yourself.

Becoming aware of your negative thinking is vital if you want to learn how to harness the power of your mind. When you become aware of the types of thoughts you are thinking you will be able to guide your mind, your thoughts and your vibration in a chosen direction. 

Using The Power of The Mind

Armed with this knowledge of momentum you can train yourself to think thoughts that steer you back to where you want to be. You can get to positivity, happiness, health, harmony, acceptance and abundance when you understand how to work this momentum.

Imagine a car travelling very fast along a straight road. You understand that to get that car moving at that speed but back in the opposite direction you would have to first slow the car down, bring it to a stop and then gradually start to move the car back in the opposite direction. It works the same with thoughts and moods. If you have a momentum going in the direction of anger you cannot jump straight from there to love and compassion. First you slow the anger down, then you pick up momentum in the opposite direction.

Heres an example thought process:

  • Angry momentum – Im so angry, I can’t believe he’s being this way, I hate being angry, its all his thought, I don’t deserve this.
  • Slowing it down – (thoughts that feel just a little bit better) – Its ok to be angry, I have a right to feel this way, my anger is just here to protect me, thank you anger, anger helps me speak up and make my point, I can speak up here, this is an opportunity to make my needs and boundaries known, I like being me, I like these challenges, I can handle this.
  • Starting a new momentum – Im glad this came up,  he is a great teacher for me, I am willing to look at his side to, it is safe to do that, he does really care about me, we can sort this, I can love him even when he’s not understanding me, I feel better when I open my heart and trust him, I feel better when I communicate my needs, I love finding more and more loving ways to interact, we are fine, I am fine, I am so glad this happened!

Its a life long commitment to become aware of and weed out the repetitive negative stories you tell yourself. The ones that lead you into a vibration of  fear, resistance and worry. Steer your conscious mind towards better feeling thoughts and make sure the thoughts you habitually think are based upon what you want to see happen in your life.