G’day lovelies!

How’s your week started? I must admit mines started a bit slowly! I didn’t make good decisions over the weekend in terms of what I ate and how much rest I got and boy am I feeling it today!

So looking forward to getting back on track!

If you  find yourself run down, tired or just less that jazzed to wake up and live your day have a think about 3-5 things you can do to rejuvenate your enthusiasm and enjoyment 

Obviously eat well, get enough sleep and drink plenty of water are  like the bed rock of self care…… AND FOR GOOD REASON

But other little things can make a massive difference to how you feel.

Buy a good quality multi vitamin (I recommend Wild Nutrition as has high bioavailability)
Top up your magnesium (its calming!) – it depletes when stressed and then when depleted makes you feel anxious and stressed! Which can be a downwards spiral. Take it just before bed for an awesome night sleep
Keep a positive affirmation or gratitude journal next to bed – write 5 feel good sentences at night and 5 in the morning.
Forgive yourself – STOP RIGHT NOW What story are you telling yourself about about the thing you are not doing great at right now. Are you being harsh or encouraging and supportive? The conversation you have with your self is the most important one you’ll ever have.

Im gonna say that again just incase you spaced out…
The conversation you have with your self is the most important one you’ll ever have.

So before you begin your week reframe! What story are you telling yourself about your week ahead? And about yourself within that?

How can you tell that story more lovingly. More compassionately. With encouragement?

Be your own cheer leader…. be your own good parent!

Tell yourself a story about your life that is so uplifting and so positive that this week becomes one of the best you’ve had in a while…. its a choice…. so make it!

And I will here at the end of the week with some Yin Yoga to celebrate what an awesome week you had 😊

……. honestly I needed to hear write that as much as you needed to hear it 😄